The Truth About Genuine Diamond Coated Gems or Fake Stones

Can a stone be coated with a diamond veneer? Does this veneer make a better looking cubic zirconia or faux diamond?

There are many misconceptions regarding various stones that are coated with a veneer from a genuine diamond.  In order to set the story straight, the International School of Gemology studied these stones.  Here is their report, and needless to say, we are not surprised!

Diamond Coated Gemstones?

Lab Says it Makes D Flawless Diamonds, But Does it? (reposted from IDEX online)

cubic zirconia engagement rings by My Faux Diamond

We get many questions about lab created diamonds vs. cubic zirconia…

Please shop carefully…We have always been up-front with our customers that we sell cubic zirconia jewelry-rated 3A and 5A.

Lab Says it Makes D Flawless Diamonds, But Does it?

GIA Synthetic Diamond Grading Report…

cubic zirconia engagement rings by My Faux Diamond